FIK American Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2008

FIK America zone Kendo Referee Seminar was held on March 29 and 30, 2008 at Esporte Clubu Banespa in Sao Paulo Brazil.
The instructors from FIK Japan are follows.
Mr. Masami Matsunaga, Hanshi 8 Dan
Mr. Masaaki Arimitsu, Hanshi 8 Dan
Mr. Tadahiro Ajiro, Hanshi 8 Dan
The trainees (Brazil=77, U.S.A.=17, Canada=4, Argentina=5, Ecuador=1, Chile=1, Guatemala) participated the seminar.
On Mar. 29 (Sat.), following to the opening speech by Mr. Matsunaga, head of instructor and Mr.Kojima , President of CBK and Mr. Tamaki, president of SAK, Mr. Matsunaga stated about the significance of this seminar, object of judgment, duty and rules of refereeing.
For 6 Dan and the above, we trained trainees, taking the World Kendo Championships in consideration, for improving capability and nature for exact judgment. For 5 Dan and the below, we trained mainly basic points like management of shiai, judgment of yuko-datotsu, prohibited acts & hansoku and senkoku & use of Shinpan-ki.
Behaviors for acting, senkoku and use of shinpan-ki have been improved but it was observed that there are unclear judgments for yuko-datotsu and hansoku due to lack of experience for actual referee for shiai.
Among the trainees of 7 Dan and the above, there are some who have experience of referee for World Kendo Championships and they show good posture and behavior but still hope them to make more efforts to improve judgment of yuko-datotsu backed up by Concept of Kendo.