FIK American Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2019

FIK American Zone Kendo Referee Seminar
Date: Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th, January 2019.
Venue: Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports, Southern Methodist University (SMU) (6000 Bush Avenue, Dallas, TX75205 USA)
Invitation letter from FIK
FIK Instructors
(1) Mr. Kazuo Furukawa, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
(2) Mr. Masahiro Inadomi, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan
(3) Mr. Toshiya Ishida, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan
FIK Referee Evaluators
(1) Mr. Kazuo Furukawa (FIK)
(2) Mr. Yoshiteru Tagawa (America Zone)
(3) Mr. Jean-Pierre Labru (Europe Zone)
FIK Officers
(1) Vice President: Mr. Yoshiteru Tagawa
(2) Director: Mr. Christian D’Orangeville (Canada)
Athletes from Japan by courtesy of All Japan Kendo Federation
Mr. Yasuhiko Murakami (Ehime Prefectural Police)
Mr. Tetsuhiko Murakami (Ehime Prefectural Police)
Mr. Taisuke Nakamura (Aichi Prefectural Police)
Mr. Shota Kokushi (Kagoshima Prefectural Police)
Ms. Nao Fujimoto (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Ms. Mako Kyutoku (Univ. of Tsukuba)

Mr. Tagawa, President of All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF) gives an opening remarks.

Mr. Sato, Secretary General of FIK delivers a speech.

FIK Instructors, FIK Evaluators, and the presidents of the zone affiliated organizations.

Athletes from Japan with those from the USA.
Special thanks go to them for their contribution to the seminar with high-level simulation competitions.
Scenes from the seminar.