FIK American Zone Kendo Referee Seminar 2023
Seminar News

Date:Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of February 2023
Venue:Inglewood High School, CA
FIK Instructors
- Koji Kasamura, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
- Hiroyuki Tsukamoto, Kendo Hanshi 8 Dan
- Hiroshi Kanzaki, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan
FIK Referee Evaluators
- Koji Kasamura(FIK)
- Yoshiteru Tagawa(American Zone)
- J-P Labru(European Zone)
FIK Officers
- Vice President:Yoshiteru Tagawa
- Director:Tadao Ebihara
- Director:Hyun-June Choi
Athletes from the All Japan Kendo Federation and Korea Kumdo Association
- Hirotaka Sato(Chiba Prefectural Police)
- Shunsuke Shibata(Yamaguchi Prefectural Police)
- Yudai Kurokawa(University of Tsukuba)
- Ami Itoyama(Fukuoka Prefectural Police)
- Minori Sato(Metropolitan Police Department)
- Min Won(Yong-In University)
- geon Mo(Yong-In University)
- Dong-Hyun Kim(Yong-In University)
Special thanks to the athletes and local supporters from the All United States Kendo Federation.
Participants from American Zone
Lecture by Mr. Koji Kasamura who is a Chief Instructor from FIK
Instruction by Mr. Hiroyuki Tsukamoto
Instruction in Tsubazeriai by Mr. Koji Kasamura and Mr. Hiroshi Kanzaki
Scene from the seminar 1
Scene from the seminar 2
All participants
*Those pictures were provided by Mr. Hayato Okawa. Thank you very much.