Message from the International Kendo Federation
FIK News

The International Kendo Federation (FIK) condemns in the strongest possible terms the inhumane military attacks currently being conducted against Ukraine. We pray for the safety and well-being of Ukrainian kendoka and their families.
The spirit of kendo resents heartless acts of violence. We kendoka aspire to transcend various boundaries, deepen friendships, and seek peace based on the principle of “koken-chiai” (to learn love and respect through the study of kendo). With this point in mind, it is the FIK’s responsibility to protect the rights of all kendo practitioners.
Notwithstanding, if deemed necessary to ensure safety, the FIK will not refrain from deterring the participation of groups or individuals from certain national or regional federations in tournaments or events held by FIK or FIK affiliated organizations. This is in line with recommendations issued by the IOC to all international sports federations.
We are eager for this extraordinary situation to be brought to an end forthwith, and for the Ukrainian people to enjoy peaceful lives once again.