The 22nd European Iaido Championships (22EIC)


1. Promoting Organization:
European Kendo Federation  (EKF)
2. Hosting Organization:
Deutscher Kendobund e. V. (DKenB)
3. Technical Assistant:
International Kendo Federation (FIK)
4. Place and Venue:
Sportforum Berlin
Berlin, Germany

Events & Term: October 24 (Saturday) and 25 (Sunday), 2015

Date Events
October 24
Mudan Individual Championship
Shodan Individual Championship
Nidan Individual Championship
Sandan Individual Championship
Yondan Individual Championship
Godan Individual Championship
Rokudan Individual Championship
October 25
Team Championship

FIK Official and Instructors:

1. Vice President:
Alain Ducarme
2. Instructor:
Takashige Yamazaki, Hanshi 8 Dan
3. Instructor:
Junichi Kusama, Hanshi 8 Dan
4. Instructor:
Yoshinobu Azuma, Hanshi 8 Dan

Click here for photos of Championships !


Mudan Individual

1st Place Monika De Prophetis Switzerland
2nd Place Tobias Kandenberg Sweden
3rd Place Felix Scheuermann Germany
Agnieszka Krawczyk Poland
Fighting Spirit Marcel Pinter Slovakia

PDF: 22EIC_Mudan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Shodan Individual
1st Place Rubens Perennes France
2nd Place Chiara Bonacina Italy
3rd Place Martin Baumgartner Switzerland
Matti Anttila Spain
Fighting Spirit Concha Garcia Cortes Spain

PDF: 22EIC_Shodan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Nidan Individual
1st Place Carlo Cardani Italy
2nd Place Kim Martin Jos Maria Croes Belgium
3rd Place Ioannis Tziakos Greece
Konstantina Perlepe Greece
Fighting Spirit Tea Pihlaja Finland

PDF: 22EIC_Nidan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Sandan Individual

1st Place Adam Bieniak Poland
2nd Place Tomasz Antkowiak Poland
3rd Place William Percy Heal United Kingdom
Sander Filon Netherlands
Fighting Spirit Eduardo Bernabé Pérez Spain

PDF: 22EIC_Sandan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Yondan Individual

1st Place Ulrike Prib Germany
2nd Place Lukasz Machura Poland
3rd Place Jesper Waldestål Sweden
Marian Bartko Slovakia
Fighting Spirit Benjamin Keith Emberley United Kingdom

PDF: 22EIC_Yondan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Godan Individual

1st Place Sida Yin Sweden
2nd Place Stefano Ferro Switzerland
3rd Place Daniel Silk United Kingdom
Adam Kitkowski Poland
Fighting Spirit Yuki Kanto Belgium

PDF: 22EIC_Godan Individual_Tournament Ladder

Rokudan Individual

1st Place Claudio Zanoni Italy
2nd Place Peter Röder Germany
3rd Place Michaël Simonini-Meyts Belgium
Andrew Peter Watson United Kingdom
Fighting Spirit Martin Lindgren Sweden

PDF: 22EIC_Rokudan Individual_Tournament Ladder


1st Place Poland
2nd Place Sweden
3rd Place Belgium
Fighting Spirit Kathryn Cassidy Ireland
Clémentine Chung France
Jumana Ahmad Jaabo Jordan
Adriana Nagyova Slovakia

PDF: 22EIC_Team_Tournament Ladder

Photos for Championships

FIK Instructors


Other Tournaments