2nd Latin American Kendo Championships

 2nd Latin American Kendo Championships

2nd Latin American Kendo Championships was held on 11th and 12th Nov 2011 in Mexico-City.
125 Kenshis from 16 countries were participated to the events.
Welcome speech was made by Mr. Jesus MAYA president of Mexican Kendo Federation and Mr. Ciutoco KOGIMA president of Latin American Kendo federation at the opening ceremony. After that, head of FIK delegation Mr. Keisuke KONDO Kendo Hanshi 8-Dan who is the Shinpan-Cho of this championship gave to the competitors the important points of the Shiai.
And this time, other 2 members from FIK Japan has been joined to this Championships are Mr. Naoki EIGA Kendo Kyoshi 7-Dan and Mr. Ari Kurose FIK assistant secretary general as the official attendance.

 The Results is as follows.


Youth (Boy) Category

First:                  Hector Toshio Ueda, Brazil

Second:              Victor Kenzo Fujikura, Equator

Third:                  Rodrigo Ryuiti Hayashi, Brazil

Youth (Girl) Category

First:                   Karen Mejumi Anraku, Brazil

Second:              Amanda Miyuki Nakano, Brazil

Third:                  Caroline Naomi Ueda, Brazil

Men’s Individual Category

First:                   Julio Kenji Toida, Brazil

Second:              Paulo de TarsoLeite, Brazil

Third:                  Carlos Flores, Mexico

Women's  Individual Category

First:                   Lilian Natsumi Miyazawa, Brazil

Second:              Tabita Saez Takayama, Brazil

Third:                  Marian Hernandez, Mexico

Men’s Team Category

First:                   CHILE

Second:              MEXICO

Third:                  BRAZIL

Women's Team Category

First:                   BRAZIL

second:               CHILE

Third:                  MEXICO

 Seneir Individual Category

First:                   Vidal Briones, Mexico

second:               Fernando Benavides, Ecuador

Third:                  Sergio Velazquez, Aruba